Brake Repairs

German Autosport provides all customers with brake repairs. Brakes are one of the things that should always be working at top condition. Brakes are the most important part of your car that you trust to stop on a dime. Weared down breaks leave you vulnerable for accidents. Here are a few signs that you are in need of new brakes:

  • Look

    Between the spaces of your wheels, look to see if your brake pads have seen wear. The brake pad should generally be around ¼ inch.

  • Listen

    We are sure you have all heard the loud pitched screeching noise when you apply the brakes. This is actually a metal shim, that installed as a warning for brake replacement.

  • Reduced Response Time

    If you can tell that your brakes are not as responsive, this is a major sign.

  • Break Dashboard Light

    Break Dashboard light turns on.

To inquire if you are in need of break repair, feel free to stop by German Autosport or give us a call at: (978)388-1288.

To inquire if you are in need of break repair, feel free to stop by German Autosport or give us a call at: (978)388-1288.